7 Ways Narcissists Test You

Number 5: They find out how successful you are.

They find out about your resources, your potential, your success, and what you have gained in your life because that gives them an idea about how much they can take from you, how much they can suck from you, be it your money, be it your resources, be it your influence, anything, and how willing are you to give them a place in all of that.

I have seen so many amazing people, so many successful people doing this one fatal mistake in giving them an equal position in their corporation, company, or whatever they possess and making them an equal part. And that is where the narcissist gets the power. And then, it becomes an extremely big obstacle when they try to cut off the narcissist because then they have to go through the legal processes and what not. So they would test what you have, how much you possess, and how willing are you to contribute from it, how willing are you to make them a part of it, and how willing are you to spend what you have on them.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.
Number 6: They test how willing are you to give up your life.

The life that you have created so far, the friends, the family, the place that you have lived in, are you living in, how willing are you to change that, how willing are you to change your personality? How willing are you to change your choices that you make for yourself? Because when they test that, they almost ascertain to what level they would be able to control your life later because they could be subtly suggesting things and wanting you to drop things, change things by either bad-mouthing about a friend, or a family member or your job, this, that, and the other to see what you are going to do. If they see you’re listening, if they see that you are taking in the information without any filter, that gives them a sign that this means I can control this person to a great extent later.

I have seen it. It’s my observation that these people who tend to be more suggestible and listen to the narcissist without filtering the information that is coming from them, lose absolute control later because such kind of a narcissist controls their eating, clothing, sleeping, the people they meet, the people they have in their life, the friends they make, the job, the money, every minute thing that you can imagine is then being controlled later. So this is also what they test for.

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