7 Things Narcissists Don’t Want You to Know

Number 6: They Don’t Like Being Compared.

Narcissists are pleased to be, or at least feel, above other people in every way. They will use their gaslighting skill to make others feel insecure so they can feel secure in return. Because of this tendency, they hate when they are compared to others in a way that makes them feel insecure. When narcissists feel insecure, they will resort to any defense, including humiliating the people who are comparing them. They will create illogical chaos around any simple mistake you have made, all to make themselves feel secure. They turn this simple mistake into a grievous error and make it look so serious that you feel cornered. Unfortunately, you can’t beat them at their own game.

Recommended: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

Number 7: Their Lack of Self-Awareness.

Narcissists lack self-awareness. They can express their true feelings to the people around them. They don’t want people to see the weakness that is hidden deep in their hearts. Narcissists only want to talk about their abilities and accomplishments as if they don’t have any flaws. They always want to dominate the topic and be the know-it-all. But when it comes to talking about their feelings, they will suddenly stop. They don’t want you to know their deepest secret, so they avoid every conversation related to their feelings. It is because narcissists lack self-awareness that they can’t comprehend the deep feelings that live inside their hearts.

Well, those are the seven things narcissists don’t want you to know. So what’s your opinion about this? I hope you enjoyed reading this cool article, and if you have something on your mind, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Don’t forget to share wherever you can. Thanks for reading.

Read More: 10 Things Narcissists Will Always Do.


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