6 Things That Hurt a Narcissist Forever!

Number 5: Being forgotten.

The fifth thing that hurts a narcissist for the rest of their days is the fear of being forgotten. Narcissists need a constant damn ego boost. They need attention and praise. When they feel forgotten, this causes another blow to that ego. They realize they’re not, in fact, as important as they think they are. The world does not, in fact, revolve around them. This might cause a hoover. They might pull a stunt for attention if they feel someone’s slipping away. So do not let these people haunt you forever. They’ll try their best, I promise you. And I can say that from a pretty personal experience that sometimes they hang on and on and on, whether you really know about it or not. Some of them lurk for the long haul.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Number 6: When you find someone else.

Another thing that hurts a narcissist to their core is when you obviously find somebody else. You can pretty much lump this one in with moving on, but I did want to kind of separate them to show a difference that whether your life goes on with a new person or if you just kind of chill by yourself for a while, life without them still goes on. Truthfully, either way, they hate it. But seeing you with somebody else is obviously a little more hurtful, as they feel kind of the same way we do when we see them with new supply. They take their own inventory just like we do. They get jealous. They wonder things like, hmm, what’s this new person all about? What’s going on here?

A hoover might be made here to see if they can sway you from seeing somebody new to coming back to them. And like I say, they wonder a lot of the same things we do. And they’re just as self-loathing, I believe at some points, as we are. This is crushing you moving on with somebody else, moving forward and happy in your life, something they do not soon let go of.

Read More: 3 People Narcissists Cannot Tolerate.


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