5 Weird Things Only Narcissists Do

Number 5: A Narcissist Will Convince You to Quit Your Job, Then Blame You.

A narcissist will convince you to quit your job and promise that they will take care of your financial needs, but later on, they will blame you for being unemployed and will name-call you. They will say, “You are a burden. You are a liability. You are somebody who only is a drain, a strain on the family. How do you contribute?” But you are the one who insured me, who said I could just be at home and take care of these things while you earn. What about that? No, they won’t talk about it. “Oh, it’s in the past. We can’t talk about it. What about now? You are the one. You are the biggest problem. You are the reason why we can’t save. You’re the reason why we can’t invest. You take all the money. It’s your sickness. It’s your cosmetics. It’s your car.” Everything will be made about you until you start feeling like you are nothing but a financial strain and even your breathing costs money.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

In summary, we can say they will behave in all ways to make you feel like a liability, a burden, a crazy person, somebody who is a loner who doesn’t want to go out, and somebody who is either obsessed with organization or loves disorganization.

Read More: 5 Code Words Narcissists Use.


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