5 Weird Things Only Narcissists Do

Number 3: A Narcissist will Intentionally Create a Mess.

When you clean your house after work to ensure you wake up to a nice, tidy environment, a narcissist will intentionally create a mess to destroy your joy, to create clutter for you so that your head gets filled with it, that psychological clutter, that disorganization, and you fail to feel any control over your environment. This is why I say they’re your biggest enemy. They will make moves always opposite to you. They will do things in a way to trigger your reaction so that they can cry wolf and say you are the monster.

They’ll always do things not in your support or to support you but to support themselves and that agenda they always follow. They always are driven by what is that I mentioned it in the beginning of this article: to cause you trouble. That is their sole motive. They claim to be your partner, to be your supporter, to be your well-wisher, but turn out to be your biggest foe.

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship)

Number 4: They’ll Isolate You and Then Blame You.

After isolating you, they’ll blame you and say, “See, we do not have people over anymore. It’s all because of you. It’s all because of who you are. Nobody wants to visit us. Nobody wants to sit and spend time with us. Nobody wants to eat with us. Why? Because of your crazy nature, because of how callous you are, because of how shy you are, because of how manipulative you are, because you’re arrogant. Nobody wants to talk to you. It’s all because of you.” They will create a problem, they will create the mess, but then they will project it on you. They will blame you. That’s a classic narcissistic move, isn’t it?

What makes it weird is that they are the ones to create this problem, to isolate you from everybody, to cut your friends off from your life, to shut down your family and everybody in between. But then, they do not take responsibility for it and punish you for something they did.

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