5 Weaknesses All Narcissists Have But Don’t Want You To Know


Number 5: Their whole personality type is based on addiction.

 Their whole personality pattern is founded on addiction because they’re addicted to the highs they feel when they are with people or when they buy items. It’s all about getting that Supply, and a narcissist might receive it in a variety of ways: Some of them are sex addicts, others are addicted to money, while others are addicted to heavy drugs, alcohol, and so on. Their life is dependent entirely on a substance and object or something other than their own genuine self, making them more codependent than codependents themselves.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Narcissists fear being alone, they can’t manage it, which is why they have to keep themselves distracted at all times. They lack emotional control and must rely on things, products, and people to help them regulate themselves and feel better. Their entire life revolves around the loss of control, despite the fact that they look to be confident and pretend to have everything under control. They have no control over themselves whatsoever. What do those fits tantrums and outbreaks of rage tell us?

 They tell us that this kind of person doesn’t know how to deal with their emotions, so we’re basically dealing with a child trapped in an adult body. The majority of their life is mostly spent on pursuing things and a recurrent pattern of addiction in which a narcissist travels from one substance to the next, one person to the next, and one thing to the next.

Read More: 10 Things Narcissists Will Never Tell You.


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