5 Ways Narcissists Talk That You Should Notice


 Number 5: Narcissists use a lot of blaming language.

 When narcissists talk, they always blame someone else for whatever happened, even if it was their fault. They will say things like: “You never listen to me”, “You’re always late” or “You never call me back.” They’ll accuse you of doing things they are guilty of doing. This is because narcissists are never wrong about anything. Narcissists need to be in control and have everyone know it; it’s all about them after a while.

When someone calls them out on something they did wrong, they will try to turn it around. This is how they avoid feeling bad about themselves or facing the consequences when they do something wrong, so that the other person looks bad instead, and then leaves before there’s time for an honest discussion or accountability that can happen. Narcissists can be very annoying to be around, especially if you’re the one who has to hear all of their ranting and complaining. They use many blaming language, shifting responsibility for their own actions onto other people or things.

 Narcissists don’t take responsibility for their actions, they just blame others. They are difficult to recognize based on looking at them. There are additional factors to consider, one of which is how they communicate. They’ll tell you they’re the best, brag about their achievements, and demand that you devote your full attention to them. You’ll quickly know them by the way they speak. Their statements may be charming because of how they say them, but remember that their deeds rarely match their words.

Read More: 10 Signs A Narcissist Is Playing With You.


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