5 Things That Make A Narcissist HAPPY In Life


1. Money

 The first thing that makes a narcissist happy is money. Yes, money can make anyone happy. I’m sure a lot of us can do with having a bit more in our lives, well even more so the narcissist. The covert narcissist wants it to support and maintain their false image that they have created, and the overt narcissist uses it to buy people’s friendship, as everyone knows they are toxic so they, in turn, are very generous with money to keep people around them.

 But to conclude this point, money is very important, and getting more of it will make the narcissists happy.

2. Power

 Narcissists need to feel in control of their lives and the people around them, so the more power they can have, the better. More power in their homes, more power in the workplace, more power in their churches, or any other social institutions. The narcissist wants to control. It makes them feel needed, important and powerful.

 Having more power gives them full security of indefinite control. This is one of the reasons why their daily lives are so predictable because for them, having a routine and knowing what to expect equals a sense of control over their lives.

 When it comes to the people around them, the covert narcissists use manipulation, lies, gaslighting, etc… to control, while the overt uses boolean threats and general intimidation to control those around them. Narcissists are power-hungry control freaks.

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