5 Things a Narcissist does when they’re alone

Number 1: They’ll jump into the sea of social media and try to hunt down a lot of supply.

The moment they are left alone and see everybody is gone, they get excited. The excitement is all about the possibilities they are yet to explore. They will slide into DMs with random people, trying to be flirtatious or love-bomb them. Maybe they might try to trade some pictures with them, you know what type of pictures I’m talking about. Or they may leave comments on random people’s posts, be it on Instagram or Facebook or wherever possible and whenever possible. They will very gladly do it. If a narcissist is not into looking for that kind of supply, s*xual fuel I’m talking about, then they will randomly argue with people for no reason whatsoever because they love the hit they get from it.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

The sky is the only limit when it comes to a narcissist wandering about in the vast realm of social media. They can hook up with random people, call escorts, and do all sorts of bizarre and unacceptable stuff — stuff they won’t do in your presence and can only do in isolation because they have to save their image. They have to make everybody think they are really pious, loyal, and an amazing person. But the moment you are gone, you’re out of sight, you are out of their mind. The loyalty they fake is washed and flushed down the drain. They become totally immoral and cross every single limit or boundary they are supposed to adhere to or follow.

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