5 Stages of A Relationship with a Narcissist


 Stage 4: The mundane stage.

 After getting what they wanted, narcissists’ excitement most likely fades; they get fed up and bored. This is because they could not get anything from their partner anymore, for they have fully consumed it that their partner has nothing to give; victim partners are now deemed useless. Narcissists do not care about them anymore, and even the slightest attention is not shown to them.

 Despite being the person they once showered with so much love and affection, whom they had earlier given their everything; after all, narcissists tend to lose interest if the person or situation no longer benefits them. This is the stage where they contemplate whether or not to discard their victim partners. If the decision is not to discard, the victim’s partner must ready oneself for more abuse. But if it is to discard, then it is better for the victim; for it means freedom. It would be the best escape from a narcissist’s tight grasp.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 This is the phase where they formulate reasons for discarding their partner, reasons which are most likely inclined to the partner’s shortcomings and weaknesses. Well, narcissists view themselves as perfect individuals, they cannot be at fault. Hence, the blame must not be theirs. During this stage, if you are in a narcissistic relationship, it is best to be discarded rather than being in for more abuse.

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