5 Signs Of The Spiritual Narcissist


2. Justifying his or her abuse by using religious explanations.

 The spiritual narcissist will justify his or her harmful and abusive behavior by using spiritual or religious explanations. This, in my opinion, is the ultimate betrayal. Spiritual narcissists will manipulate scripture and doctrine to their liking and benefit. They will present Scripture completely out of context twisting and turning a specific passage into something it was never intended to mean, in order to justify their abuse, or keep you submissive to them, or to guilt you into forgiving them for things that are just flat-out wrong and abusive.

And I cannot tell you how many times a narcissist told me that I had a biblical obligation to forgive him for what he has done. Notice how the responsibility is shifted off of his abusive behavior and on to my obligation and duty to forgive.

These are classic and very typical manipulation tactics for spiritual narcissists. And if you are unaware of them and you’re involved with a spiritual narcissist, it’s incredibly easy to fall prey to this absolute nonsense and unknowingly continue to believe these bald-faced lies.

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