4 Things That Drive Narcissists Insane


2. Complexity

 Narcissists do not like anything that is too complicated or detailed. They need everything to be straight to the point, they cannot deal with any complicated processes or situations, and they cannot deal with complicated people. Narcissists expect everything to be simple because it’s easier for them to understand. If you are a complex person who has a different way of thinking or a different way of life, this will drive the narcissist insane because they lack empathy.

 Narcissists cannot share your experience. They cannot put themselves in your shoes and they cannot harmonize or coordinate with you because they don’t even have an interest in anything complex about you. Narcissists are self-absorbed- they’re only concerned about their own complexities and they expect you to make that your priority as well. They could not deal with any problems issues or crises that happened to normal people living normal lives. They just look at it like that’s your problem and you have to deal with it in your own time.

 But if they have a similar problem, it’s a completely different story. They expect you to cater to them, they expect you to provide them with help and support- they are very hypocritical. Narcissists engage in the same behaviors and activities for which they criticize other people for, and they claim to have moral standards or beliefs to which their own behavior does not conform. They fail to follow their own expressed moral rules and principles.

 They only have black and white thinking where everything is either good or bad, right or wrong. They want everything to be simple, and they want everything to fit their mold for how they see the world. And when something complex naturally comes up, they just see it as an inconvenience, they see it as though they have to adjust- They feel like they have to compromise. They cannot deal with anything that is uncertain or unclear.

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