3 Types of Questions Narcissists DO NOT LIKE


3. Any Question That Implies They Have A Flaw Or Weakness.

 The third type of question that narcissists hate is anything that implies that they have what they deem as a shortcoming. So questions like what are your weaknesses? Narcissists don’t think they are weak in any area of their life. They believe they only have strength. So they hate that question, which is a question that is asked in many job interviews.

 So a narcissist’s response will probably be something that is actually positive like their response would be that their weakness is that they are a perfectionist. It’s like how much more of a red flag do you need with that response. Narcissists think they are flipping perfectly, so any question that seeks to find a flaw or a weakness in the narcissist will not be happily received. Remember, all they want people to know and see when it comes to them is perfection.

 So those are the three types of questions that a narcissist does not like to be asked. They don’t like their actions to be questioned. They don’t like to be asked favors, and they don’t like questions hinting at any possible flaws.

Read more: Words That Will HURT The Narcissist | Know These 5 Phrases

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