#1: Ghosting.
Ghosting happens when someone simply vanishes from your life—no explanation, no goodbye, just radio silence. And while ghosting has become all too common in modern dating, not everyone who ghosts is a narcissist. But for a narcissist, it’s one of their favorite ways to end things. Why is that? Because it requires the least amount of effort. They don’t have to have any uncomfortable conversations; they don’t have to witness the aftermath. And best of all, to them, they get to leave you completely confused, wondering what you could have possibly done to deserve this. That confusion alone makes them feel powerful.
So, ghosting usually happens in newer relationships where there’s less emotional investment, and that typically makes sense. But when someone ghosts after years or maybe even decades together, that is a whole other level of cruelty. I’ve heard stories of narcissists who packed up and moved out of a shared home without so much as leaving a forwarding address—no warning, no explanation, just gone. I don’t want to see anyone in the comments defending avoidance for this kind of behavior, not at this level. At this level, we’re not just talking about avoidance; we’re looking at a total lack of empathy and accountability. That tells you everything you need to know about how little they ever planned to take responsibility for their role in the relationship.
Read More: 6 Secret Signs Narcissist Wants You Dead.
Even here, we can look at the behavior, and while it definitely comes as a surprise—because no one expects this type of behavior from a fellow human being—it starts to make more sense when you look at the person’s patterns throughout the relationship. They probably showed a long history of avoiding accountability with very little empathy. But listen, if this has happened to you, I want to be very clear: this was never about you being enough to deserve closure. This was about them taking the easiest way out while making sure you’re left holding all the emotional baggage. But what they don’t realize is that disappearing without a word says more about them than it could ever say about you. Because really, what kind of person does that?
Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.
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