3 People Narcissists Cannot Tolerate

3. The person immersed in love.

The third person that they can’t tolerate, and that’s the person who’s immersed in love.  When narcissists show their intolerance, they illustrate, “I don’t know how to love; I’m not interested in that.” Many of them sometimes very sanctimoniously will say, “Oh, I’m a very loving person,” but no, if that love requires that you cannot be diverse, if that love requires that you can speak only in agreement with them and can’t talk any separate kind of ideas, that’s not love at all. Love requires laying down your ego, and narcissists, it’s all about me; they’re the ultimate egotist. Love supersedes correctness, and that’s something that the narcissist cannot do. Love allows for freedom; love is patient; love emphasizes kindness. Love requires us to examine our own personal frailties even as we show acceptance toward the frailties of other individuals. And, of course, the narcissist is thinking, “I am not about to show you what my frailties are; as far as you’re concerned, I don’t have any.”

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship)

Love requires internal calm, which they do not have; they carry a lot of chaos on the inside. Love refuses to belittle; we can disagree, but we don’t have to belittle. And then love is a healthy extension of your own self-esteem, and narcissists don’t have that intact because self-esteem is not built at someone else’s expense. So, we can say that narcissists will show intolerance toward that person who’s diverse and toward that person who wants to speak truth, and the person who’s immersed in love.

I’m hoping that being the case, you can decide, “Well, I need to move on with individuals who are far more tolerant, and I want to be a tolerant person.” And in doing so, I hope it causes you to be a person of healthy influence and ultimately someone who lives in and gives away your sense of peace.

I hope this gives you some good insight about what you might be dealing with if you’re one of those two people, sometimes I’m diverse, sometimes I want to speak truth, and the narcissist says, “Well, you’re not in my club.” Well, maybe that’s a club I don’t need to be in.

Read More: 7 Ways Covert Narcissists Tell On Themselves.


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