13 Signs You’re Having S£x With a Narcissist

Number 4: They enjoy dominance and control.

 The thing is, when it comes to s£x with a narcissist, they’re in charge. They don’t just like to be in control. They need to be in control and they’ll use the pretense of love and connection as well as s£x to manipulate, dominate, and control others, including how they are perceived by others, and they literally get a sick kick from either giving or withholding s£x, attention, and affection for no other reason than to manufacture and maintain a sense of dominance, power, and control over you. Fun stuff!

Number 5: They’re selfish and self-centered to the extreme.

If you hear nothing else, understand this: the narcissist is only ever concerned with their own navel. In other words, their wants, desires, fetishes, and fantasies. They are takers, not givers—unless, of course, the giving benefits them somehow. Due to their lack of empathy, s£x with them will be all about meeting their needs. You can count on the fact that your s£x life will forever and always be centered around their desires, not yours. They’ll be fixated on their own fantasies without ever so much as asking you about your preferences or your comfort, for that matter.

And again, they are so easily slighted, so any perceived rejection will be met with childish, if not rageful, emotional outbursts and a barrage of emotional and verbal abuse. Because the narcissist relies on their s£xµal performance and escapades to prop up their false sense of self, when you refuse to give in to their s£xµal demands, they’re going to lash out, one way or another.

 Number 6: They’re highly critical.

A narcissist has a need to be superior to others in order to compensate for their own deeply buried fear, guilt, shame, insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy. So, when it comes to s£x with a narcissist, they’ll criticize you and your performance in bed in an attempt to make you feel inferior and gain greater control over you.

For example, they may tell you that your performance didn’t measure up and that you need to try harder to please them in bed the next time. Now, this, of course, is important to them because part of what actually turns the narcissist on is being able to exert dominance over their partners, especially during s£x.

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