12 Tactics That Will Confuse a Narcissist


Number 12: Kill them with kindness.

Narcissists can often be very cruel and negative people, so killing them with kindness is sure to confuse them. This will not only give them fuel to start an argument or have something to complain about later, but it will also be generally confusing to many narcissists because they often think so low of themselves.

That being said, you may want to keep these compliments as few as possible. This is because stroking a narcissist’s ego too much could make them want to be around you more due to their constant need for affirmation from others. Still, being overly kind to a narcissist when they are trying to make you upset or angry is a great tool that can de-escalate arguments when used properly.

Number 11: Don’t let their insults get to you.

 Narcissists will often use other people’s negative emotions such as sadness or anger as a manipulation tool. Therefore, one of the best tactics that you can use to confuse a narcissist is to not let their insults get to you. You could even agree with them to confuse them even more. For example, if a narcissist calls you ridiculous to try and discredit you, you could say, “I am ridiculous, aren’t I.”

 This will not only confuse the narcissist, but it can also make them look even worse than they already do in some instances. Another benefit of using this narcissist confusing tactic is that it prevents them from embarrassing you or starting an argument by getting you upset.

Number 10: Stop defending yourself.

 Although this tactic may seem a bit backward to some people, narcissists will get very confused if you stop defending yourself to them. This is because making you feel the need to defend yourself is another manipulation tool that is commonly used by narcissists. After all, trying to start an argument with someone who refuses to reciprocate is not much fun at all, is it? You don’t necessarily need to always agree with them to get them confused. In fact, sometimes ignoring a narcissist’s rude comments altogether can be even more effective when it comes to confusing them.

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