11 Telltale Signs Of a Husband With Narcissistic Traits


Number 6: Narcissists are jealous and envious.

 Now, what exactly are narcissists jealous of? It’s simple. Everything; they are literally green with envy by nature. Anyone who has anything good going for them, and this includes you, their partner, as well as their own children by the way; anything positive at all is enough to trigger the narcissist’s pathological envy and jealousy. The thing is they talk a good game, and put on a good act, but underneath the phony facade, narcissists actually have very low self-esteem. Although they hide it well, they are deeply insecure shame-based people with low self-worth.

That lack of genuine self-confidence and self-esteem is what’s at the core of a destructive narcissist’s personality pattern. This envious and jealous nature of theirs will often be exactly what’s behind the unwarranted and unprovoked contempt and disdain that they hold for others, including you. It’s what drives many of their problematic attitudes and behaviors. And it can even trigger intense fits of narcissistic rage. And they also tend to project their jealousy. According to them, everyone is jealous of them. They can’t conceive of how it could be otherwise given that they go through a life steeped like a teabag in envy and jealousy themselves.

Number 7: Cheating.

 I think it’s clear that in order for anyone to be able to engage in extramarital affairs, and betray the bonds of a committed relationship, in particular in an ongoing fashion, considering all the gaslighting and deception that’s required to pull it off, one has to have among other things, an enormous sense of entitlement. In order for an individual to pull this off, the very real impact of the affair on their supposed beloved should they find out is clearly of no consequence, which smacks of a colossal lack of empathy and conscience in addition to, as I said, a seriously exaggerated sense of entitlement.

 People who cheat tend to only feel remorse when they’ve been caught, not while actively pursuing, or actually engaging in the affair. So are they genuinely remorseful for having hurt and betrayed you in such a destructive manner? Or do they feel bad, because they’ve been caught? Big difference! Again, you have to be pretty empathy-impaired to have the ability to come home, look your wife and/or the mother of your children in the eye, lie, hide, and deny the truth of what you’ve been up to. When the truth is you’re crossing lines that decent, kind, genuinely loving, and sincerely empathic humans simply would not cross.

 And let’s not forget, narcissists, project a lot. And quite unconsciously, they do this neat little thing called confession through projection. So if out of the blue, they start accusing you of cheating and you both know full well that you are nothing but faithful, monogamous, and loyal to your relationship, chances are really good you’re being cheated on. And I understand that may be a painful pill to swallow, but denial in a case like this isn’t helpful long term. The truth, however, is your path to lasting peace and freedom is the truth.

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