10 Weird Things Narcissists Do S£xµally

3. They boast about their s£xµal conquests.

A narcissist won’t hesitate to talk about their s£xµal experiences, even with people close to them. They might do this to show off their s£xµal skills or to make others feel inferior.

They may brag about how many partners they’ve been with and boast about their s£xµal adventures. It’s true—they often have multiple partners without caring much about the details or traits of those people.

However, you can’t fully trust what they say. Many of their claims are exaggerated or based on fantasies that might not even be true.

4. They objectify their partners.

This behavior is more common in female narcissists, who focus only on their own pleasure and ignore their partner’s needs. During intim@cy, a female narcissist might treat her partner as nothing more than a tool for her own satisfaction.

She might use flattery, not out of genuine care, but to boost her ego and feel more powerful and desirable. By controlling what happens in the bedroom, she reinforces her power over her partner, making them feel like an object instead of a person.

This objectification doesn’t stop in private. Female narcissists may also treat their partners like trophies, showing them off in public to gain attention and admiration.

5. Narcissists believe that they are entitled to s£x.

Narcissists often bring their sense of entitlement into the bedroom. They believe they have the right to have s£x whenever they want, no matter the time or situation. This can make their partners feel uncomfortable or uneasy, especially when the demands come at inappropriate moments.

If you’re hoping for a deeper emotional connection beyond physical intim@cy, it’s unlikely with a narcissist. They prefer shallow relationships focused on what they can get, like s£x, favors, or other benefits.

A narcissist might demand physical intim@cy without caring about their partner’s emotional or mental state. They may even ignore or cross boundaries to satisfy their own desires.

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship)

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