10 Weird Things Narcissists Do S£xµally

6. They manipulate their partners through physical intim@cy.

Narcissists may pressure or force their partners into s£x, ignoring whether their partner is willing or not. They’ll do whatever it takes to get what they want, even if their partner feels hesitant.

Some narcissists might guilt-trip their partners for saying no to certain s£xµal activities. For them, s£x isn’t about love or affection—it’s a tool for manipulation. They use it to dominate, control, and maintain power over their partners.

Their s£xµal relationships aren’t based on genuine feelings. Instead, they see physical intim@cy as a way to gain something for themselves, not as a true connection.

For More: 6 Secret Signs Narcissist Wants You Dead.

7. They have grandiose fantasies.

S£x with a narcissist can feel strange or unusual because of their over-the-top fantasies. These fantasies aren’t about connection but about feeding their ego and making them feel special.

Narcissists believe their wild fantasies make the relationship unique and give them more control and power, which boosts their sense of importance. If their partner refuses to go along with these fantasies, the narcissist may become upset or even use gaslighting to make their partner feel guilty or inadequate.

8. They seek admiration through physical intimacy.

Intimate moments can lose their meaning when a narcissistic partner is focused only on getting attention and praise for their performance. They’re more interested in hearing how great they were in bed than in having a real connection with you.

Narcissists rarely have deep conversations about intimacy. Instead, they steer every discussion toward seeking compliments, reassurance, and validation. They might ask questions like, “Did you notice how perfect my body is?” or “Wasn’t that the best experience of your life?” or “Have you ever felt this satisfied before?”

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

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