10 Ways to Show A Narcissist That You Don’t Care


 Number 1: Don’t ask how they’re doing or what they’ve been up to lately.

 Narcissists love to talk about themselves and they love it, even more, when you ask them about it. They’ll tell you about the new car they bought, the new house, or the new job, and if you ask them about it, they’ll probably be happy to share. If you want to avoid being sucked into their world, avoid asking questions about them and their life. Don’t ask how they’re doing or what they’ve been up to lately.

The more attention you give the narcissist, the more they’ll want from you. Don’t ask them how they’re doing or what’s going on in their lives unless it’s vital for work or survival like if there’s an emergency. If you happen to run into a narcissist in person, simply say hello and walk away. Don’t ask how they’re doing or what they’ve been up to lately.

 Number 2: Don’t agree with everything they say.

 Narcissists are so good at making other people feel important and unique, but it’s important to keep your cool; don’t agree with everything they say, even if it’s something you actually agree with. If they say something completely untrue, then tell them it’s not true, but don’t get into an argument about it. Narcissists are obsessed with validation, so if they think everyone agrees with them all the time, then they won’t feel like they need validation from anyone else. The key is to disagree without being disagreeable.

 Narcissists also love to be right about everything. They will often get angry if you disagree with them or offer another perspective. If they ask for your opinion on something, try saying: “I don’t know” or “that’s not exactly what I would have done.” This will drive them crazy because it makes them feel like others do not value their opinions.

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