10 Types Of People Narcissists Respect

Number 6: Competitors.

The presence of competitors allows narcissists to engage in a power struggle where they can showcase their skills, intelligence, or dominance to maintain their sense of superiority. Winning against competitors gives narcissists a ton of validation and boosts their self-esteem. It reaffirms their belief that they are deserving of admiration. Paradoxically, even though narcissists may engage in power struggles with competitors, they may still respect them to some extent. They respect competitors because they possess qualities or abilities that challenge the narcissist’s self-perception.

Number 7: Individuals with similar traits.

With similar traits, narcissists may show a degree of respect towards individuals who possess similar narcissistic traits. Both narcissists and individuals with similar characters understand and acknowledge each other’s constant need for attention and admiration. They recognize that they both crave validation and praise from others. This mutual understanding can create a sense of connection and rapport between them. It’s important to note that while narcissists may respect individuals with similar traits, this respect is often conditioned and self-serving.

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Number 8: Benefactors.

Benefactors refer to individuals who provide significant material or financial benefits to narcissists. These benefactors play a crucial role in narcissists’ lives by enabling them to maintain a luxurious lifestyle, fulfill their desires, and enhance their image of success. Narcissists typically value and respect benefactors because they directly contribute to the narcissist’s well-being and the maintenance of their desired lifestyle. These individuals may offer financial support, gifts, connections, or other resources the narcissists consider valuable. Narcissists reinforce their superiority and importance by associating themselves with individuals who provide such benefits.

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