10 Toxic Behaviors of Female Covert Narcissists

Number 5: Complaints of chronic illness.

Female covert narcissists often exhibit a pattern of chronic physical ailments, frequently complaining of unspecified health issues. These complaints usually dominate the relationship dynamic, serving to attract a constant source of attention and sympathy. While people can have legitimate chronic illnesses that don’t necessarily have a clear medical explanation, the difference is that they don’t use their health issues as a tool to manipulate or exploit others, or as an excuse to avoid responsibilities, or to overshadow all of your needs and concerns, or to act entitled to special treatment.

Number 6: Emotional reasoning.

You can never resolve disagreements because you’re not arguing facts but rather emotions. You just can’t understand what they’re trying to say, and if you start to make sense of it, new facts are introduced or the topic is changed to something else. This constant shifting of topics and introduction of new facts serves to confuse and frustrate you, making it nearly impossible to have a productive discussion.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

Number 7: Emotional blackmail.

This could include empty threats to end the relationship. She might pack her bags and then come back a few hours later or days later. It could also include threats of self-harm, and damaging your reputation, all to create an atmosphere of fear and insecurity in order to gain control over you and over the relationship dynamics.

Number 8: Refusing to talk and work through issues.

There is no opportunity for mature discussions, but rather just stonewalling. So, if you try to communicate your needs, feelings, or concerns, she gives you the silent treatment or withholds affection to manipulate you.

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