10 Things Only Narcissists Say to You


 Number 4: You’ll never find anyone like me.

 This cursing threat is used chiefly among couples on the verge of splitting. A narcissist will claim to be the best you’ve ever had. They will only count the contributions they’ve added to your life- all the aspects they took away will be forgotten. There is only one proper response when a narcissist says this to you; silence and go no contact.

 Number 5: Leave me like everybody does.

 Comparing you to everybody else is a huge red flag itself. How much more if the narcissist pertains to how everyone abandons them? A narcissist resorts to feeling unique as compared to everyone else. They use this defense mechanism to cope with abandonment and trauma.

 Although at face value, they are encouraging you to leave, the narcissist is pleading to be tolerated. This response is a way to say that changing themselves for the better is not an option. You have to take it or leave it.

 Number 6: I’m sorry there, are you happy now?

 Have you ever heard a narcissist apologize? If you have, perhaps they’ve asked forgiveness in this manner. Although it has the word “sorry” it is far from a sincere apology. Narcissists will only apologize when they are either caught red-handed or want to get the conversation over.

 In this case, it’s more of the latter; narcissists are unable to communicate feelings and thoughts efficiently. An apology followed by a sarcastic question of “are you happy now” is only sent to end the discussion. Narcissists will do this to avoid confrontation; the question is also retort to prove their point instead of answering.

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