10 Things Narcissists Will Do When They Lose You


 Number 1: They will hate themselves more.

 Narcissists will start to hate themselves once they see you happy and content without them. They’ll believe they deserve to be alone because they can’t live up to anyone else’s expectations. It’s not that narcissists don’t love themselves, but rather that a certain type of self-love is dependent on maintaining the narcissist’s image to others. When their image is gone so goes their self-love.

 Narcissists despise their true selves because they know they are insecure and weak. As a result, they create a false self that they adore because others admire it.

 Number 2: Narcissists will do everything to win you back.

 Narcissists will do whatever it takes to keep people around because they feel everyone owes them something. Whether it’s attention or love, they’ll feel like they’re losing control if any of these things are taken away. Narcissists lose control over their sense of identity and they lose control of their self-worth.

Narcissists will want to get in touch with you again after you cut them off from your life. They are masters at emotional manipulation. They’ll go right back to their old tricks. Narcissists don’t give up easily, even after being rejected by someone they’ve been using for years. They’ll keep trying until they find someone willing to put up with them again.

 Number 3: Narcissists will try to hurt you in any way they can.

 Narcissists are known for their ability to go to any length to keep you in their lives. Sounds romantic? But trust me, it’s not. They will try to harm you in every way possible to take vengeance for leaving them. Understand that narcissists are not interested in love for they lack empathy; you are simply exploited, not loved.

 Narcissists must ruin others to survive and thrive. The more damage they cause, the more powerful their egos will feel. The narcissist will continue abusing you when you step outside your established boundaries. Make every effort possible to take away their control from you. Setting and sticking to your limits consistently will show the narcissist that their deceptive tactics do not work on you.

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