10 Signs of a Person Suffering from C-PTSD Due to Narcissists

Sign 1: Hypervigilance.

Imagine you’re at a friend’s gathering and having a good time, but even in that cozy setting, you’re on high alert. You keep glancing around and checking people’s expressions to ensure everything is okay. Your internal radar is constantly scanning for danger, especially if you’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist. Psychologists say this hyper-awareness can stick around even after you’ve left that toxic situation. It’s like your mind is still trying to protect you, making everyday stuff super intense.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

Sign 2: Flashbacks or Intrusive Memories.

Imagine chilling at a cafe, enjoying your latte, suddenly hit with a memory of something your ex-narcissist said that made you feel small—that’s a flashback, a big sign of CPTSD from dealing with a narcissist. It’s like your brain hits the rewind button on those not-so-nice moments, and you feel all the yuck again out of the blue. These flashbacks can mess with someone’s head after being in a relationship with a narcissist. It’s like your brain’s alarm system goes haywire, bringing back those old feelings or sensations when you least expect it. Experts suggest techniques like grounding exercises or therapy to rewire your brain, so those memories don’t have as much power to ruin your present mood.

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