8. Super empaths treat narcissists like a kid.
Unavoidably, super empaths speak to narcissists like a child. Why does this often happen? It’s because super empaths are always emotionally mature ones. They’re strong, autonomous, and psychologically independent. Narcissists hate the powerful side of empaths because they never want to be dominated intellectually.
The only purpose why narcissists are addicted to super empaths is because they are of service to them. They inflated their self-esteem and validated their exaggerated self-worth. However, when super empaths slap them with facts, they will start spouting an agonized complaint. This is where the victim role emerges; narcissists are a five-year-old child trapped in an adult body.
7. Super empaths push narcissists to change for the better.
In the first place, narcissists can never see the wrong in them. They never admit their faults nor accept their mishaps. Why do they think like this? The narcissist’s personality is reinforced by their previous co-dependent relationships and they’re constantly fed with the amount of praise and approval they need. The daily dosage of compliments from people around them is what they need to sustain themselves. They need everyone’s attention in order to keep feeling good about themselves.
However, once they meet a super empath, their life would completely turn upside down. Super empaths know what’s right and wrong, unhealthy and healthy. Thus, they can’t tolerate the toxic vibes they absorb in narcissists. By all means, they promote self-awareness and self-actualization. And they encourage narcissists to actively work on resolving their past issues and acknowledge their lapses and this annoys narcissists a lot.
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