10 Reasons Why Narcissists Are Extremely Dangerous


 8. Others Exist To Serve A narcissist’s Entitlement.

 Narcissists have a false belief that other people are objects that exist solely to suit their needs. They have a cruel attitude towards others, which permits them to lash out at us without empathy because they don’t believe we have rights that the narcissist should care about. This complete disdain for others’ rights comes from the narcissist’s mistaken belief that only one individual benefits or wins and that person is the narcissist himself. The narcissist’s belief that everybody owes them is not actually in any manner, size, or style.

 7. Narcissists Care Only About Themselves.

 They are only interested in what they can get from it. When a narcissist enters into any type of connection with another individual, all they care about is themselves. They simply want to take advantage of people in order to enrich themselves as much as possible. They are unconcerned about others in the way that most people are.

 Others are just for using, harming, entertainment, companionship, or making love. But that’s it; they don’t give a damn about anyone else. The problem is that they completely confuse the matter by convincingly stating that they love you, and they do it so well that you understand them and fall for them, and that’s when the problem begins.

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