10 Reasons Narcissists Are Afraid of You


 Number 6: You are independent and self-sufficient.

 You don’t rely on anyone for anything. If you do, it’s only because you want to, not because you have to. You are independent and self-sufficient; you are your own person; you are strong and confident in who you are as an individual and what you can do by yourself. Narcissists are drawn to vulnerable people because they see them as easy targets, but when they meet someone who isn’t vulnerable, they feel threatened.

 They know deep down that if this person isn’t ready, there’s no way for them to get what they want from them: Attention and admiration from someone else. So when you tell them “No” or “I don’t want to talk about that”, it makes the narcissists uncomfortable because there’s nothing for them to gain from your rejection. They can’t use their usual tactics of guilt trips or manipulation to make you feel better about yourself so that you’ll do what they want.

 Number 7: You know what makes you happy.

 The narcissist’s biggest fear is that you are happy with your life and don’t need them to make you happy. You’ve found the thing that truly makes your soul sing and gives you energy and they are terrified of seeing it. They’re afraid they’ll be left in the dust if they see how much joy you get from something.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Narcissists want to control you and keep you dependent on them. They want to be the source of your happiness, so they’ll use whatever means necessary to do it. When they see that you’ll live a happy life without them, they’ll be terrified of losing their power over you. If you have a strong sense of who you are and what makes you happy, then it’s harder for them to manipulate you into seeing things their way.

 Number 8: You are not easily persuaded.

 Narcissists are afraid of you because you are not easily persuaded. When someone is easily convinced, they don’t know what they want or need. You have your own mind opinions and way of doing things. The narcissist wants you to be a slave who will do whatever they say without question; they want someone who will follow their agenda without resistance or hesitation.

 Narcissists wish for someone who will always agree with them and follow their lead no matter what direction they take things in. If you’re not easily persuaded, it will be harder for them to convince you of what they want you to believe. This is a massive threat to narcissists for you don’t let them become a dominant force in your life.

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