10 Things You Should Never Do To A Narcissist


 Number 5: Never expect narcissists to be loyal to you.

 The only thing that they are loyal to is themselves. Don’t expect a narcissist to be faithful and dedicated to you. May it be in any relationship with them, in a blink of an eye, a narcissist could trade you in, they prioritize their wants and needs over yours. In fact, they are the only ones who matter. A narcissist is uninterested in your needs. Understand that a narcissist will never suffer for you or act in your best interests.

 Narcissists lack loyalty. They are unable to emotionally connect. There isn’t a bone in their body that thinks about your needs, feelings, or prevailing circumstances. It’s strange how they expect you to be loyal to them while treating you the opposite way. Expecting loyalty from those who are only interested in themselves is self-defeating. Putting essential needs in the hands of narcissists is a recipe for disappointment.

 Number 6: Never try to justify or explain yourself to a narcissist.

 It is believed that the more you justify or explain yourself to a narcissist, the more they will try to use these against you, manipulating or even gaslighting you. This act will only increase your self-doubt and allow you to continually blame yourself, distorting your reality. Generally, defending yourself against narcissists is a waste of time; the more you explain everything in the hopes that they will understand, the more narcissists avoid accountability.

 When narcissists claim they don’t understand the point of justifying or explaining their actions, they only absolve themselves of responsibility for their bad behaviour. Narcissists do not engage in relationships or arguments in good faith. Narcissists are typically competitive; do not listen, promote themselves, and do not communicate.

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