10 Things Narcissists Will Do When They Lose You


 Number 7: Narcissists will be angry and rage after losing you.

 When you walk away from a narcissist, one of the major reactions that you will encounter is rage. They’ll most likely feel you are punishing them for not letting them control you. When narcissists feel like losing control, they feel threatened and react with anger, facing this abandonment and disappointment triggers shame and shatters their own self-image.

 Narcissistic wrath can manifest itself in infinite ways, depending on the individual and the context. They get extremely abusive when they are enraged. When you end your relationship with them, the first line of defense may be shouting, screaming, and making false accusations against you.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 Number 8: Narcissists will destroy your reputation.

 Narcissists are extremely jealous and envious people. They’ll despise you once they realize you’re living your best life without them. They constantly compare themselves to others, especially those close to them, including you. Because of envy, narcissists frequently sabotage your happiness and the good things you have.

 Narcissists who feel threatened would do an excellent job of destroying your reputation. They can spread malicious rumors, both online and offline. Alternatively, they may spread lies and exaggerated stories about you to all of your friends and family members, or they may publicly defame you on social media.

 When you observe a smear campaign, you understand they are trying to mislead people. Do not let a smear campaign get under your skin the moment you recognize it. The moment you understand they are turning people against you; they’ll regain control once you react. If the smear campaign fails to have the desired impact on you, it will almost always backfire on the narcissist.

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