This makes It Difficult For A Narcissist To Replace You


What the Narcissist doesn’t ever bank on is a permanent discard or being fully cut off from a source of supply that they deem essential. So, when this happens, they try desperately to escape the reality of the situation through multiple s*x partners, drugs, alcohol, or whatever other addictions they may have. Their depression sends them spiraling out of control and some do end up seeking psychiatric help to get their lives back on track.

In all that they do that person who was so important to them remains at the forefront of their mind. Never can the Narcissist forget you. Never can they replace you as they have convinced themselves that you were the one. But the truth is, NO one can satisfy the Narcissist. This idea of believing someone could is only a fantasy that they have because, in reality, even when the Narcissist gets everything they want or whoever they want, they will still be miserable and unsatisfied.

Revenge: How to Beat the Narcissist- By H.G Tudor.

 But to conclude, in the mind of the Narcissist, they are convinced that there is that one person who is or was the one for them, but at the same time, it doesn’t stop them constantly seeking out new targets to manipulate and control. At the end of the day, Narcissists need whatever Narcissistic Supply they can get. And at times will even settle for sources that they themselves find less than favorable.

 But all This happens when the Narcissist allows their abusive nature, selfishness, vanity, and greed to push away the ones that truly care about them. And they will never find anyone who can truly satisfy them. So, no matter how happy a Narcissist may seem with their latest new supply, it is all an act and it will not last. And never will they forget those sources of supply whom they have lost.

 Ok, that is it for today. Thank you for reading this far. Please share wherever you can. And as always, have a blessed week everyone.

Read More: 5 Ways to Make a Narcissist Respect You Forever


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