Narcissists Will Lose Their Minds If You Do These 10 Things

3. Putting them on the spot in front of others.

 Either by exposing their lies, their exaggerations, their shortcomings, or their incompetence. Like highlighting where they may have dropped the ball or fallen short, or ask them a direct question in front of others that they can’t legitimately answer without risking exposing and embarrassing themselves.

 4. Invalidate their feelings and experience.

 You know, just like they do to you on the regular, except that in this case, you’re for real. You’re not just making stuff to be deliberately misleading and hurtful like they do. You’re simply not buying their bullshit or their sad story, nor are you allowing them to emotionally manipulate you or otherwise explore. And you’re not buying their lies, you’re not buying their games, you’re not buying into the BS.

 And a good way to communicate this to a narcissist is simply by giving the person that they are either gossiping about or complaining about, or somehow maligning their favorite thing to do all the livelong day, right? Give that person the benefit of the doubt in front of them. Surely, there must be more to this story than what I’m hearing sort of attitude. Stops them dead in their trucks and blows their ever-loving mind.

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