How to Shut Down a Narcissist Without Even Saying a Word


2. Master the blank stare.

 Seriously, treat them to a dose of their own medicine. Now, listen, this is not about stooping to their level and doing what they do to you in an attempt to get back at them. That’s not what this is about. Rather, understand that there is power in you. The empath learning how to take care of yourself when dealing with an empathy-impaired consciousness toxic manipulative, harmful abusive individual, big, big difference. There is power in you. The empath learning how to protect yourself by remaining by choice, cold, unfeeling, detached, poker face, non-reactive, whatever it takes within the bounds of extreme self-care. This is about taking your power back and becoming a far less attractive target.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

So while you’re doing that, while you are practicing the art of detachment and non-reactivity, while you are learning to take your power back and take much better care of yourself, breathing into your body, holding onto yourself, exercising extreme self-care, whatever that is for you at the moment, remember less is more. The less you say the better, silence is very powerful, especially when we are dealing with an empathy-impaired conscienceless individual who is highly manipulative and highly toxic to our well-being.

 Silence is very powerful. And don’t get yourself. Distance is always going to be your best bet. So practice blank stare and poker face your way, all the way to as much distance as you can manage with this creature.

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