How To Reinvent Yourself After Narcissistic Abuse


 Number 4: Become a boundary badass.

 Having the ability to set healthy limits and boundaries with the difficult people in your life changes everything. Being able to do so with confidence and grace means living your life from a place of emotional and psychological peace, joy, and freedom. It also means being well-rested, well-nourished, and cared for by you. And if that’s not enough, you should know that people respect people who respect themselves enough to set healthy limits and boundaries.

 People respect people who respect themselves as well as value their time, energy, and resources. They may not always like it when they’re not getting their way, in particular when they’re used to having their way with you. But I promise you, they will respect you for it, even if they never admit it. If you haven’t figured out how to do this for yourself yet, it’s time now. And if you want to know more about how to set boundaries with a narcissist, check out this article here.

 Number 5: Master the art of reality creation.

Here’s what’s true. You are a powerful creator. Whether you realize it or not, you are actually creating your reality every moment of every day. And there are very specific things you can learn how to do and do well in order to begin to do that more consciously and with deliberate intent to literally call out of the ether and manifest the reality you would prefer to be living. This is a skill you can develop fast when you know how. So take the time and give yourself the gift of mastering this skill. Your happiness, your joy, your peace, and the quality of the rest of your life literally depend on it.

Read More: Here Is What Happens When The Narcissist Sees You As Strong.

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