How Do Narcissists Test Their Victims


1. Your reaction to the love bombing.

 First of all, when they do start to get involved with you, to start speaking with you, one of the first things that they’ll see is how you’re reacting to them in the love-bombing stage. If they’re telling you about themselves and all of the things that they do, they’re actually reacting to you. They’re judging how you react to them and how far they can go with their stories, how far they can go with their expression of undying love for you; they are gauging their reaction or response to you based on how you are reacting and responding to what they are talking about. And this is actually true for everything else.

 So once they start doing love bombing, they’ll start mixing in some of the stuff that they do during the devaluation phase like gaslighting or the silent treatment, and so they’ll see how you respond when those things are happening. So when they’re doing the silent treatment, how are you responding, are you constantly contacting them, are you calling them to find out what’s going on, how do you respond to that, how do you respond to gaslighting.

 When they tell you something like: “Oh no, you must be mistaken because I never said that, or I never did that, I said this, or I did this.” How do you respond to that is part of how they are gauging, how good of a supply, or how stable of a supply you would be. If you are calling them out on these kinds of things, they’re going to move on quicker because they recognize that their game isn’t going to be readily acceptable there.

 I say that with a couple of exceptions:

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