Why Are Narcissists So Possessive

Why Are Narcissists So Possessive


Why do Narcissists become possessive of the people they claim to love? Meaning that they, Narcissists, demand an unrealistic amount of love and attention from their partners or children. Well, it has a lot to do with their insecurities, a need for control, and another simple fact that is usually ignored when it comes to Narcissists.

 In order to ensure that everyone understands today’s article, I will need to define two words, and they are envy and jealousy. These words tend to be used interchangeably but they are actually not the same thing.

 Envy is defined as the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has. Whereas Jealousy is the fear of losing what you have. Basically, envy comes from a place of discontent, where you are not happy or satisfied with what you have and you want what someone else has.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men – by Lundy Bancroft.

 Narcissists are very guilty of this as they are greedy, selfish, and insatiable. Nothing or no one is ever good enough, and they are always on the hunt for more and they specialize in taking what other people have. Whereas, on the other hand, jealousy comes from a place of insecurity and a fear of losing something you already have.

Today’s focus is on the jealousy Narcissists have with the people in their lives, and they become jealous when their sources of Narcissistic supply are busy with or finding joy in being with other people and they are not giving all their time and attention to the Narcissist. This makes the Narcissist jealous and with that jealousy, the Narcissist can become very angry and they start thinking of ways to keep that person and the Supply that they provide to themselves alone.

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