7 Ways To Tell Your Partner Is NOT a Narcissist


 Number 4: Are they concerned with your needs?

 If your partner is genuinely concerned about what you want and need, and this can be as simple as wanting your input on decisions like what movie to watch, and where to go for dinner, those kinds of things, then they’re probably not that highly narcissistic.

Number 5: Are they happy about your success?

 If your partner supports you and is genuinely happy for you when you are succeeding and in the spotlight, they’re probably not a narcissist. But this one has an exception because if what you’re doing makes them look good and you are not viewed as any sort of competition, they can be your biggest cheerleader, especially the grandiose narcissist, they may brag about you and use you almost as a shiny trophy that they’ve won.

Number 6: Are they consistent?  Keep their promises?

If your partner is consistent, they keep their promises, their actions match their words, and they are emotionally stable, then they’re not likely a narcissist. Now, keep in mind that grandiose narcissists are often much more emotionally stable than the covert narcissist, but they are prone to hostility, restlessness, and especially if they’re not getting what they want.

A grandiose narcissist will get extremely rude, impatient, and hostile if they can’t get their needs met immediately. They want to be treated like a celebrity and they’ll lose their cool if they can’t get the table they want or an upgrade at the airport, or just anything.

 Number 7: Do they belittle others frequently?

 If your partner speaks highly of your friends and family and rarely belittles or demeans people, they’re probably not a narcissist because a narcissist will view almost anyone as competition, especially if they have something they value and that can be success, intelligence, beauty, and any compliment the narcissist gives to a competitor will be wrapped in insults.

Okay, as promised, here are some experiments you can try to test your partner to see if they are highly narcissistic.

Continue reading on the next page


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