6 Methods to Heal Narcissistic Abuse and Trauma


 Number 6: Using your experience to help others.

 We wanted to save this one for last because we see this as the most important. If you learned a super cool trick to make someone’s life easier, wouldn’t you want to share it with people that you feel like would benefit from the knowledge? The same goes for how to recover from narcissistic abuse. As we have said repeatedly throughout the video, you or your loved one has taken the first step to recovery: leaving the toxic situation. That is the hardest step and the next steps are going to be harder, but also much easier.

By now, you have done hours of research on tips to “be okay” after making such hard decisions. All of this research and resources you have gained, someone else may not have. It may help you to help someone else who is in the same shoes as you currently. They may need that push to be where you are now. Some victims will seek help from someone who has been in the same situation before seeking professional help. They find it easier to talk to someone who they know has been in their shoes.

 One way you can help people through this trying experience is by starting a local support group. It can help you to hear advice and stories from someone else while you help them at the same time. To give the feeling of togetherness and that new attachment they need that is much healthier. That can make the victim’s road to recovery much easier and it can help you to know you are not alone anymore. This may increase your chances of making a full recovery and moving on to a new chapter in your life.

Read More: 9 Signs That a Narcissist Is Hoovering You.


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