5 Ways Narcissists Talk That You Should Notice


 Number 4: Narcissists use words that don’t mean what they seem to mean.

 When narcissists talk, you might have noticed that they use words that don’t mean what they seem to mean. Narcissists are master manipulators, and one of their favorite tricks is to use words that don’t mean what you might think they do. To a narcissist, “I love you” doesn’t mean I love you; I need you to give me something or put up with my crap. You might be thinking, but how can a word mean two things?

 It’s simple; a narcissist uses words like love, need, and friendship as tools to get what they want. They use many comments that are just empty phrases like: “I’m fine” or “I love you.” These words are meant to be comforting or reassuring but they don’t mean anything in reality; they just sound good. When you listen to a narcissist talking, pay attention to these words. If someone says something like: “Oh my goodness! How was your day? And then responds with something like: “It was good… I guess.” It probably means their day wasn’t perfect.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Narcissists aren’t really asking about your day at all; they probably just want to make sure everyone knows how great their own lives are. If someone asks you how your day was and then seems uninterested in hearing the answer, this is another hint that they aren’t really interested in caring about your life or even listening to what you have to say.

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