10 Weird Texting Habits of Narcissists


 Number 9: Narcissists’ Text Can Be Hard To Read Or Decode.

The narcissist’s text will be hard to read or decode, they are often vague and lack details, making it difficult for the other person to understand their meaning. When you text a narcissist, they may respond in an uncharacteristically short fashion. This is because they are not interested in having a conversation with you, they are only interested in getting their way and ensuring you know it. You might also notice that they use more emojis than ordinary people. Emoticons and abbreviations can be mistaken for something else if you are unfamiliar with them.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Number 10: They Send A Lot Of Selfies.

 Narcissists love showing off, so they often send selfies to their friends and family members… they’ll send you a selfie every day. It’s not that they’re trying to be vain, they just want to ensure you know what they look like when they don’t look good. Narcissists also send selfies during everyday conversations because they’re always worried that you’ve forgotten what they look like. They are obsessed with their image.

Narcissists love to take selfies and don’t hesitate to send them, even if you’re not interested. They also love to show off their cars, homes, and other material possessions on social media. The most telling sign of a narcissist is how they treat other people, even if they are considered kind and intensely likable in public… The Mask could slip when texting. Learning to spot the signs in their digital communication may help you avoid getting involved with or enabling them.

Read More: 5 Weaknesses All Narcissists Have But Don’t Want You To Know.


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