10 Things Narcissists Will Always Do

Number 3: Manipulation.

Manipulation refers to influencing or controlling others to serve one’s interests, often through deceptive or exploitative tactics. Narcissists are skilled manipulators and can effortlessly manipulate situations, events, and people to serve their interests. They have an intense desire to control others and their environment. They never miss a chance to exploit others for personal gain. Narcissists use manipulation to maintain dominance and fulfill their attention-seeking desires.

Related: 9 Demeaning Things Narcissists Say.

Number 4: Gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a psychological manipulation tactic narcissists use to make others doubt their reality. Narcissists never miss an opportunity to gaslight others, making them question their perceptions. Gaslighting distorts reality to make another person doubt their sanity and perception of events. It involves invalidating their experiences and manipulating information to gain control and maintain power over them. The victim may experience confusion, self-doubt, and a loss of trust in their perceptions. Narcissists often employ gaslighting to gain power and control over their victims. They employ various techniques to undermine the victim’s confidence, distort their perception of events, and make them question their judgment.

Read More: 6 Rumours Narcissists Like To Spread About You.

Number 5: Justifying their mistakes.

One common trait of narcissists is their tendency to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and to deflect blame onto others. This strong desire to maintain their self-image as flawless and superior individuals, so acknowledging their mistakes would contradict this self-perception. As a result, narcissists frequently engage in tactics to justify or rationalize their errors instead of taking accountability. Taking responsibility for mistakes involves facing the consequences or repercussions. Narcissists aim to evade negative outcomes by rationalizing their errors, thereby avoiding accountability for any potential negative impact on their lives or reputation.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

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